CN1839 Characterization
Addgene #163509
- Data Submitted By
- Boaz Levi , Bosijka Tasic and Jonathan Ting
- Submission Date
- June 16, 2023
- Publication Date
- June 27, 2023 (modified June 27, 2023)
- Funding
- NIA/NIMH RF1MH114126, UF1MH128339
- Abstract
- Neuronal nuclei are labeled throughout the mouse brain by transduction with CN1839 AAV of the PHP.eB serotype. It was injected at a concentration of 5.0E+11 viral genomes per animal into one month-old C57BL/6J mice via the retro-orbital route. The animal was perfused and the brain fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde four weeks post injection. The fixed brain tissue was then sectioned, slide mounted, and imaged for native SYFP2 fluorescence. CN1839 has been characterized and shown to label neurons throughout the mouse brain in Mich et. al. (Cell Reports) 2021.
- Citation
CN1839 Characterization. Levi B, Tasic B, Ting J 2023. Addgene Report,
Image attribution: VGT Pipeline, Allen Institute for Brain Science
This report is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Vector Used
Addgene #163509
Virus & Injection
- Virus Name
- CN1839-rAAV-hSyn1-SYFP2-10aa-H2B-WPRE3-BGHpA
- Serotype
- PHP.eB
- Source
- Addgene
- Catalog Number
- 163509
- Virus Lot Number
- v164542G
- Promoter
- Synapsin
- Cargo Type
- Control
- Injection Titer / Dose
- 5.0 x 10e11
- Injection Volume
- 90 µl
- Injection Rate
- N/A
- Injector Material
- 31g insulin syringe
- Tip Diameter
- 31
- Coatings
- N/A
- Injection Time
- N/A
- Injection Site / Route
- Retro-orbital injection
- Additional Details
- AAV-PHP.eB/CN1839-rAAV-hSyn1-SYFP2-10aa-H2B-WPRE3-BGHpA was injected at a concentration of 5.0 x 10e11 viral genomes per animal into month-old C57BL/6J mice via the retro-orbital route.
Other Details
- Species
- Mouse
- Strain or Cell Line
- C57BL/6J
- Source
- Jackson Laboratory
- Stock Number
- 000664
- Age at Injection
- 1 month
- Sex
- Male
- Time After Injection
- 4 Weeks
- Detection Method
- Native Fluorescence
- Assay & Results
- The animal was perfused and the brain fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde four weeks post injection. The fixed brain tissue was then sectioned, slide mounted, and imaged for native SYFP2 fluorescence on a Leica Aperio Versa slide scanner.
- Target Cell Transduction
- N/A
- Functional Testing
- N/A