AAV pmSyn1-EBFP-Cre in Mouse (AAV Retrograde)
Addgene #51507-AAVrg
- Data Submitted By
- Elizabeth Serafin and Mark Baccei
- Submission Date
- June 19, 2019
- Publication Date
- June 19, 2019 (modified May 16, 2023)
- Abstract
- Not Provided
Image attribution: Elizabeth Serafin
Any further use of this image requires permission from the lab who submitted the data.
- Vector Used
AAV pmSyn1-EBFP-Cre
Addgene #51507-AAVrg
Virus & Injection
- Virus Name
- AAV pmSyn1-EBFP-Cre
- Serotype
- AAV Retrograde
- Source
- Addgene
- Catalog Number
- 51507-AAVrg
- Promoter
- Synapsin
- Cargo Type
- Recombinase
- Injection Titer / Dose
- 5.00E+12 GC/mL
- Injection Volume
- two 400 nL injections
- Injection Rate
- 75 nL/min
- Injector Material
- Not Provided
- Injection Site / Route
- Parabrachial nucleus, NeuroNames ID : 1927
- Additional Details
- Lateral Parabrachial Nucleus was targeted in an effort to retrogradely label spino-parabrachial projection neurons in lamina I of the spinal cord; Hindbrain: Pons.
Other Details
- Species
- Mouse
- Strain or Cell Line
- B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm5(CAG-Sun1/sfGFP)Nat/J
- Source
- Jackson Labs
- Stock Number
- 21039
- Age at Injection
- 62 days
- Time After Injection
- 3 weeks
- Detection Method
- Direct fluorescence
- Assay & Results
- Robust and widespread expression at injection site in parabrachial nucleus. A moderate number of target cells (projection neurons in lamina I of the spinal cord) also expressed genetic cargo.
- Target Cell Transduction
- Nuclear GFP fluorescence was visible as expected following injection of the AAVrg-driven cre. So yes, the tool operated as expected, although the number of retrogradely transduced neurons was somewhat lower than expected.
- Other Information
- I also checked 2 weeks post-injection and found a similar pattern of expression, though the number of retrogradely transduced neurons was less than the three week timepoint
- Tips & Comments
- This is one of the better retrograde viruses I have tried, though the number of transduced target cells was still lower than desired. To improve results with this virus I would probably try to increase injection volume or use multiple injection sites.