Role of nucleus basalis magnocellularis cholinergic neurons in contextual fear memory
Addgene #44362-AAV8
- Data Submitted By
- Brianna Shultz , Negin Mohammadmirzaei and Dayan Knox
- Submission Date
- July 27, 2019
- Publication Date
- July 27, 2019 (modified June 15, 2023)
- Funding
- NIGMS 1P20GM103653
- Abstract
- To examine the potential role of NBM cholinergic neurons in contextual fear memory we conducted an experiment in rats expressing cre in cholinergic neurons whereby the inhibitory DREADD (hM4Di) was expressed in NBM cholinergic neurons (n = 2) or a control viral vector expressing mCherry was expressed in another group of rats (n = 4). CNO (3.0mg/kg) was administered to all rats 1-hr prior to contextual fear conditioning (five pure tones that co-terminated with a 1s, 0.5mA footshock) and one day later all animals were tested for contextual fear. All rats acquired contextual fear in an equivalent manner during fear conditioning, but rats expressing hM4Di showed lower levels of contextual fear during the memory test. These results raise the possibility that NBM cholinergic neurons could be critical for contextual fear memory formation.
- Citation
Role of nucleus basalis magnocellularis cholinergic neurons in contextual fear memory. Shultz B, Mohammadmirzaei N, Knox D 2019. Addgene Report,
Image attribution: This image was acquired by the Knox Neurobiology Lab
Any further use of this image requires permission from the lab who submitted the data.
- Vector Used
Addgene #44362-AAV8
Virus & Injection
- Virus Name
- pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry
- Serotype
- AAV8
- Source
- Addgene
- Catalog Number
- 44362-AAV8
- Virus Lot Number
- v24795
- Promoter
- Synapsin
- Cargo Type
- Chemogenetics
- Injection Titer / Dose
- 2.5 x 10e13 vg/mL
- Injection Volume
- 0.5 μl
- Injection Rate
- Bolus
- Injector Material
- Hamilton syringe (22s gauge needle)
- Tip Diameter
- 22
- Coatings
- None used
- Injection Time
- 5 minutes
- Injection Site / Route
- basal nucleus, Neuronames ID#: 275
- Additional Details
- Experiments were done in MedAssociate boxes and freezing scored using Any-maze. No dilution was used.
Other Details
- Species
- Rat
- Strain or Cell Line
- ChAT::Cre
- Source
- Other Information
- Rats are Long-Evans rats that have been genetically engineered to express cre recombinase.
- Age at Injection
- 3 months
- Sex
- Male
- Time After Injection
- 30 days
- Detection Method
- Double Labeling Immunohistochemistry
- Assay & Results
- Cholinergic neuron cell bodies and axons originating from NBM. Double labeling IHC was used to detect mCherry (axons and cell bodies) as well as mCherry and ChAT in cell bodies. Results demonstrate that all mCherry neurons expressed ChAT as well.
- Functional Testing
- The vector expressed the inhibitory DREADD hM4Di. Behavioral data suggested the inhibition worked.
- Other Information
- Did not observe any non-specific damage
- Tips & Comments
- Actual inhibition produced by CNO or C21 injection should be examined. We have a protocol for this, but was running short on time, so could not implement it.