pZac2.1 gfaABC1D-cyto-GCaMP6f in Mouse (AAV5)
Addgene #52925-AAV5
- Data Submitted By
- Kira Poskanzer
- Submission Date
- July 29, 2019
- Publication Date
- July 29, 2019 (modified May 16, 2023)
- Abstract
- Not Provided
Image attribution: Michelle Cahill
Any further use of this image requires permission from the lab who submitted the data.
- Vector Used
pZac2.1 gfaABC1D-cyto-GCaMP6f
Addgene #52925-AAV5
Virus & Injection
- Virus Name
- pZac2.1 gfaABC1D-cyto-GCaMP6f
- Serotype
- AAV5
- Source
- Addgene
- Catalog Number
- 52925-AAV5
- Promoter
- Cargo Type
- Biosensor
- Injection Titer / Dose
- 3.60E+13 GC/mL
- Injection Volume
- 30 nL/site, 8 sites per animal, 240 nL total
- Injection Rate
- 180 nL/min
- Injector Material
- Not Provided
- Injection Site / Route
- Primary visual cortex, NeuroNames ID: 2102
Other Details
- Species
- Mouse
- Strain or Cell Line
- C57/BL6J
- Age at Injection
- P0–3
- Time After Injection
- 4 weeks
- Detection Method
- Direct fluorescence
- Functional Testing
- GCaMP dynamics were as expected